The Teton Climbers’ Coalition held its first in-person meeting on March 11, 2020—the day the World Health Organization declared COVID a pandemic. Since then, the organization’s board has been hard at work, tackling projects from replacing bolts to hosting a film festival.
The TCC has achieved a number of important accomplishments in our focal areas over our first few years. These include:
- Launched the Re-Roping Project, allowing climbers to repurpose their old climbing ropes for good
- Initiated the Climbing Area Management (CAM) Project to monitor, inspect, and replace aging bolts throughout the Jackson Hole area
- Developed “best-practice” guidelines for new route development in Jackson Hole area
- Led numerous Adopt-A-Crag Stewardship Projects
- Restored the Teton Boulder Park to its full potential
- Helped secure final approval for full scope of Rec Center climbing gym
- Collaborated on coordinated approach to management of Teton bighorn sheep and winter recreation
- Successfully advocated for the expansion of the Teton County Rec Center climbing gym from 5,750 to 9,700 square feet
- Organized a letter-writing campaign that resulted in more than 100 letters to elected officials in support of a larger climbing gym
- Successfully advocated for the retention of an independent climbing gym consultant for the Teton County Rec Center climbing gym
- Completed more than 70 hours of research on climbing facilities around the country to help inform the development of the Teton County Rec Center climbing gym
- Published climbing gym survey with >300 responses
- Organized a petition in support of the climbing gym that resulted in more than 600 signatures
- Developed the Safe Climbing Initiative to enhance the safety and skills of climbers in Teton County
- Created the Women’s Grand Scholarship to give women in the Jackson Hole area a unique chance to climb the iconic Grand Teton
- Developed the AlpinFilm Festival to engage the local community via the medium of film
- Partnered with Teton County Parks & Rec to ensure continuation of Town Pump bouldering series
- Hosted the Boulderdash community bouldering series
- Hosted three virtual Winter Speaker Series events during the pandemic
In the spring of 2022, we received our 501c3 nonprofit status. Doing so allows us to continue to work on behalf of the community while providing tax-deductibility to donors.