The very first recommendation the TCC made to Parks and Rec regarding the community climbing gym was to retain an independent climbing gym consultant as early in the gym’s development as possible.

We’re pleased to announce that this week, our elected officials approved Entre Prises as the climbing wall consultant for the Rec Center climbing gym.

TCC board members Marion Meyers and Bob McLaurin participated in the vetting process for the consultant company. As Meyers wrote, “The TCC and community members are very pleased to have an independent climbing consultant to collaborate with the consultant team and to engage community members in the early stages of the design process. The independent consultant will look at creative optimal use of space and the best use of taxpayer dollars without having a stake in construction of a specific climbing wall style or company.

“Early collaboration on design will assist with creating a gym for a wide variety of community users,” she continued, “including families and their children, students, visitors, and the local climbing community.”

Read the article on the process that resulted in the retention of Entre Prises here.

Please join us in thanking Parks and Rec Director Steve Ashworth for moving forward on the recommendation and for including TCC board members in the vetting process. Additional thanks goes to Teton County Commissioner Greg Epstein for his due diligence in inquiring about community support of the Teton County Parks and Rec RFP process for the expansion.

We look forward to continuing to collaborate with our elected officials and with Parks and Rec on the development of a climbing gym that meets the community’s needs, today and in the future.