AlpinFilm 2024 Recap
AlpinFilm 2024 Award Winners

Here, Hold My Kid
Directed by: Adam Gendle, Johno Verity & Hersha Patel
Produced by: Elyse Saugstad, Jackie Paaso & B Colective
Country: USA (2023)
Duration: 39 minutes

The Illness
Directed by: Mike Wilkinson
Produced by: Wilkinson Visual
Country: USA
Duration: 25 minutes
AlpinFilm 2024 Film Lineup

Pierre: A Story of Perserverance
Pierre Bergman’s story is truly inspiring. He became paraplegic after suffering a life-altering injury in 2020, yet his enduring spirit and resilient nature helped him press on. With the help of Ranyon D’Arge, Special Projects Manager at JHMR, Pierre began biking and sit-skiing; he also continued working for the trail crew and began driving a snow cat. Let yourself be moved by Pierre’s journey; hopefully, you can glean inspiration from this incredible human being.
Running Time: 6 Minutes
Starring: Pierre Bergman
AlpinFIlm 2024 featured an introduction by Pierre Bergman himself!
Marek Molek and Bruno Grassi, on the verge of summiting The Great Troll, confront a ferocious storm and adverse snow conditions. As the pair debates whether to reveal the truth about their near-summit experience, a hazardous descent ensues, leading to a perilous conversation amidst challenging circumstances.
Running Time: 20 Minutes
Directed by: Ignasi López Fàbregas

The Illness
This comical adventure documentary follows a loud-mouthed crew of Appalachian adventure-seekers deep into the mountains of the Western United States as they climb, talk shit, fish for their dinner, and try to use their single-pitch skills to engage a 1,300-foot wall. Their main objective is to free an old aid route first established over 30 years ago, but will they succeed? Will they be strong enough? Will they be struck by lightning? Or will nature and marginal competence have other plans?
Running Time: 23 Minutes
Directed by: Mike Wilkinson
Emerging onto the world stage before the age of 20 as a pro cyclist, Adrien Costa was amassing an incredible resume on the professional touring scene. But something was missing from his life, so Adrien decided to leave cycling in pursuit of mountain adventure. Little did he know his quest for fulfillment would lead not only to a new world of climbing, but to a life-altering challenge as well.
Running Time: 30 Minutes
- Featuring: Adrien Costa, Mark Allen
- Directed by: Michelle Smith
- Produced by: Bedrock Film Works, Jim Aikman, Luke Webster
- Title Sponsors: Salewa & Wild Country
- Supporting Partner: Click Medical, Mountain Bureau

Following in the footsteps of Kyrgyzstan’s nomadic people and the ancient Silk Road, Thomas Delfino, Léa Klaue, and Aurélien Lardy embark on an adventure to ski and climb in one of the most remote and still unexplored places in Asia: the Kokshaal-Tau Mountains. With support from legendary high-mountain guides Hélias Millerioux and Jean-Yves Fredriksen, they find themselves thrown into a world where time and space appear to stand still amidst untamed landscapes and wild weather.
Running Time: 54 Minutes
- Directed by: Guillaume Broust based on an original idea by Thomas Delfino
- Produced by: Picture Organic Clothing
- Riders : ThomasDelfino, Léa Klaue & Aurel Lardy
- Mountain guides : Jean Yves Fredrieksen & Helias Millerioux
- Filmers : Guillaume Broust & Pierre Frechou
- Photographer : Jeremy Bernard
Dennis Ranalter, aka D-Ran, is a world class free-ride skier with dual Austrian and African heritage. In Descendance, he considers his mountain childhood, which was full of privilege where he was alienated from his African roots. Setting out on a journey to revisit his paternal family in Ghana, Africa, he recognizes the need to celebrate multiculturism as part of his self-identity.
Running Time: 32 Minutes
- Produced by: Legs of Steel
- Directed by: Michael Haunschmidt
- Co-Directed by: Mathias Kögel
- Executive Producer & Content Developer: Phil Young Principal
- Cinematography & Editing by: Michael Haunschmidt & Mathias Kögel
- Music & Sound Design: Matthias Müller
- Color Grading: Manuel Portschy
- Art Direction & Animations: Fabian Fuchs

New Way Up
The Karakoram mountains are known for their huge scale and jaw-dropping beauty. Nestled within them is Gulmit Tower, a technical granite pinnacle that has never been summited. Previous teams have often failed because the highly glaciated terrain makes the approach by foot long and treacherous. With the application of a paragliding approach, will this team succeed where others have failed?
Running Time: 25 Minutes
- Directed by: Jake Holland
- Starring: JFabi Buhl, Will Sim
Here, Hold My Kid
A ski comedy film chronicling two professional female skiers who are trying to embrace new motherhood without missing a turn in their heart-stopping athletic careers. The two women, who are competitive by nature as they’ve built their professional status on podiums and award winning film segments, can’t help but develop a competitiveness with each other in the quest to becoming “the mom that can do it all.” From the pressures we bring upon ourselves to societal expectations, the characters will come at it with a hilarious, sometimes bordering on ridiculousness, take. With babies and husbands in tow, these two mothers are taking the ski industry by storm in a way that was never quite seen before. From exhaustion to laughter, discomfort to fun, this will be a movie to which anyone can relate regardless of their athletic prowess. The heart of this film is an homage to all the parents who have dragged their kids to the mountains “because skiing is a great way to spend time together.”
Running Time: 39 Minutes
- Produced by: Elyse Saugstad, Jackie Paaso & B. Colective
- Directed by: Adam Gendle
- Edited by: Johno Verity – Indeed Productions
- Starring: Jackie Paaso, Elyse Saugstad, Cody Townsend, Reine Barkered, Leanne Pelosi, Tor Paaso & Indiana Townsend
- Awards: Winner: “Jury’s Pick,” if3 Ski & Snowboard Film Festival, Winner: “Best Snow Sport Film of the Year,” Nordic Adventure Film Festival, Nominated: “Best Movie,” High Fives Film Festival

Nuptse: Touching the Intangible
The formidable south face of Nuptse (7742m) is one of the legendary walls of Himalayan alpinism. This gripping account details the bold new route completed by Helias Millerioux, Benjamin Guigonnet, Frederic Degoulet in almost pure alpine style, while offering profound reflections on the pursuit of seemingly “useless” conquests in the world’s highest and most formidable mountains.
Running Time: 66 Minutes
- Produced by: L’Endroit
- Directed by: Hugo Clouzeau
- Edited by: Johno Verity – Indeed Productions
- Starring: Jackie Paaso, Elyse Saugstad, Cody Townsend, Reine Barkered, Leanne Pelosi, Tor Paaso & Indiana Townsend
- Awards:
Chamonix Film Festival – Grand Prix
FIFAD – Diable d’or 2023
Autrans 2023 – Prix Alpinisme
Kendal Mountain film Festival – Best Mountain film 2023
High Five Festival – Best Outdoor Movie 2023
Eho Mountain Film Festival 2023 : Best Mountaineering Film
Xplore Alpes Festival 2023 – Prix Sports Neige & Glace
Torello Mountain Film 2023 – Best screenplay award