What We Do
The Teton Climbers’ Coalition is a 501c3 non-profit organization that serves Teton climbers through stewardship, advocacy and engagement.

The Tetons are the epicenter of American mountaineering. We serve the climbers at their base—from neophytes to old schoolers, alpinists to boulderers, bolt clippers to ski mountaineers, guides, rangers, weekend warriors and armchair mountaineers alike. Our goal is to represent the interests of our entire community.
All photos this page courtesy Wesley Gooch
The organizational pillars of our work are:
We take care of the places in which we climb
We address issues on behalf of our community
We gather, educate and mobilize Teton climbers
The Teton Climbers’ Coalition held its first meeting on March 11, 2020… pretty much the day COVID started. While we began as a way to ensure the upcoming Teton County Rec Center climbing gym meets community needs, we quickly fanned out to address other priorities as well.
Our Objectives
Respond to emergent issues and give voice to Teton climbers
Foster productive relationships with land managers, governmental agencies and non-profit organizations
Promote community and camaraderie among Teton climbers
Our Core Values
For one another and the environment
A future of Teton climbing that’s accessible and welcoming to all
Contributing to the well-being and betterment of the Tetons and its climbers
Current Initiatives
Best Practices
Develop guidelines for new route development grounded in experience, sustainability and respect for land managers and other climbers
Anchor Replacements
Inspect and replace suspect bolts and anchors throughout the Greater Teton climbing area
The Town Pump
Co-host the Town Pump summertime bouldering series, a Jackson Hole climbing tradition since 2015, with Teton County/Jackson Parks and Recreation
Future Projects
Climbing Exchanges
Host exchanges with climbers from other communities and countries
Climbing Trips
Community outings into our local mountains and to other climbing areas
Community Events
Happy hours, slide shows, bouldering events and presentations by and for local climbers
WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO IS UP TO YOU. Want to join the fun?
Let Us Know
Got an idea that will benefit the Teton climbing community? Want to be part of the TCC?
Reach out—we welcome your energy and ideas.
Photo courtesy Wesley Gooch
Say hi.
The Teton Climbers’ Coalition
PO Box 350
Jackson, WY 83001