by Teton Climbers’ Coalition | Apr 14, 2023 | Blog, Grand Scholarship
2023 marks the centennial of the first known female ascent of the Grand Teton by Eleanor Davis on August 27, 1923. With spring in the air, The Teton Climbers’ Coalition is thrilled to announce it is partnering with Women in the Tetons and Exum Mountain Guides to offer...
by Teton Climbers’ Coalition | Jan 26, 2023 | Blog, Grand Scholarship
The Teton Climbers’ Coalition kicked off the centennial of the first known female ascent of the Grand Teton at its inaugural AlpinFilm, with a women’s panel, films about and by women, and an invitation to to help shape the celebrations by completing a short survey by...
by Teton Climbers’ Coalition | Nov 7, 2022 | Blog, Grand Scholarship
Eleanor Davis in 1927. On August 27, 1923, Eleanor Davis, the Director of Physical Education for Women at Colorado College, did something no woman before her had ever done: she stood atop the Grand Teton. One hundred years later, The Teton Climbers’ Coalition will...