No climbing organization in America does more to help keep climbers climbing than Access Fund. And no climbing organization has been more helpful to the Teton Climbers’ Coalition in getting off the ground during our first two years. From hosting Adopt-A-Crags to running our Winter Speaker Series to underwriting our 501c3 application fees, Access Fund has walked beside us, every step of the way.
Now, you can support both organizations. Sign up as a member of Access Fund and $15 from your donation will go to the Teton Climbers’ Coalition.
To become a joint member, simply go here. Under the section entitled “Support Local Climbing Advocacy—Add local climbing organization membership for additional $15?”, choose “Yes.”
Then, from the dropdown menu that says “Please select your local climbing organization,” choose “WY—Teton Climbers’ Coalition.”
Think nationally. Act locally. Become a member of Access Fund today and support our work at the same time.