Want to help build a climbing gym that serves the entire community, now and in the future? Here are two ways you can do so.

  1. Rec Center Open House

On August 10-11, from 10 a.m.-7 p.m. at the Rec Center gym, Parks & Rec is hosting a community Open House about the Rec Center expansion, including the climbing gym. The climbing gym consultants along with the expansion’s builder and architect will be on hand to present their ideas to the public.

Climbers, this is our chance to let Parks & Rec know what we want to see in a climbing gym. Please spread the word, mark it on your calendars and show up on Aug. 10 and 11. Your participation will help determine the climbing gym we get for our community.

  1. Contact Your Elected Officials

The Teton Climbers’ Coalition has been reaching out to elected officials about our concerns that the climbing gym will be too small. They’ve told us that they need to hear from a wide breadth of the community,not just TCC board members—especially because the Rec Center expansion, and the gym, are being funded by SPET money voted on by the community. 

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Offer public comment, in person or electronically, at County Commissioner and/or Town Council meetings.
    • Community members may make comment in support of a bigger gym at the start of every meeting. It’s easy—you can even do it remotely!
      • BCC meetings: Aug. 2, 3, and 9. See BCC information here.
      • Town Council meeting: Aug. 2 at 6 p.m. See meeting agenda here.
      • Joint Information Meeting: August 2 at 3 pm. See meeting agenda here.
  1. Write your elected officials. The easiest way to let our elected officials know what you want to see in a climbing gym is by writing them an email. Here are the addresses to use:


Town Council All council@jacksonwy.gov
Jonathan Schechter jschechter@jacksonwy.gov
Hailey Morton Levison hmortonlevinson@jacksonwy.gov
Jim Rooks jrooks@jacksonwy.gov
Jessica Chambers jchambers@jacksonwy.gov
Arne Jorgenson AJorgensen@jacksonwy.gov
County Commission All commissioners@tetoncountywy.gov
Greg Epstein gepstein@tetoncountywy.gov
Natalia Macker nmacker@tetoncountywy.gov
Mark Barron mbarron@tetoncountywy.gov
Luther Propst lpropst@tetoncountywy.gov
Mark Newcomb mnewcomb@tetoncountywy.gov


 Let’s let our elected officials know what the community wants from the community climbing gym. After all, we’re paying for it!