The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has determined that we need to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2050 to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

Many of us in the climbing community care deeply about climate action and are already taking steps to help achieve these goals, from taking advantage of tax credits for electric vehicles to advocating for climate policy. For example, Tommy Caldwell joined Jeremy Jones through Protect Our Winters to help successfully lobby for the landmark federal climate bill in the US.

While not a permanent solution, certified carbon offsets help mitigate emissions while we work on reducing emissions and developing or improving technology. There are a number of companies offering carbon offsets to individuals, such as The Good Traveler or Native Energy.

For your next adventure, consider purchasing carbon offsets from these or another carbon offset company whose projects are verified by standards such as the Gold Standard, Verified Carbon Standard, Climate Action Reserve or American Carbon Registry.

Click here to buy offsets that support a waste-to-fuel project created by Native Energy. Buying one offset for $18 conservatively covers the green house gases generated by 2000 miles of travel.

Or, if you are uncertain about offsets, donate to a nonprofit organization working on climate action, with tools like GivingGreen helping you make informed choices. The Good Traveler offers both certified carbon offsets and the option to donate to local nonprofit organizations, including the Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities who will receive funding for its clean transportation projects through these purchases.

Transportation accounts for 82% of the greenhouse gas emissions in Teton County and about 20% globally. Whether you decide to reduce your travel, carpool, switch to an electric vehicle, buy offsets or support a nonprofit, reducing net emissions from transportation is important.

As Kate Marvel, NASA and lead chapter author of the fifth US National Climate Assessment says, “The world will be what we make of it.”