On August 25, The Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and Teton Climbers’ Coalition will host a volunteer day to improve access to the Happy Hour Wall, a moderate sport climbing area nestled in a beautiful alpine setting on the northern end of Tensleep Bowl. 

Volunteers are asked to meet at the Tram at 4 p.m. for a free ride up the tram to participate in the project, which is part of the TCC’s efforts to steward climbing areas throughout the Jackson Hole area. Participants will hike down to the gondola by 8:30 p.m. for a free ride down to the base of the mountain. JHMR asks that those interested in participating in the project RSVP here. 

The Happy Hour Wall is ideal for newer climbers, with well-bolted routes that allow people to push their abilities. The approach/descent is easy and highly scenic as well—which increases its popularity and the unintended side effect of erosion.

The August 25 project will improve the trail that runs from the top of the tram to the climbing area from the ski area’s new North Ridge trail. It will also connect it to the Cirque Trail below, providing erosion control while improving access to and from the crag.

Voiunteers are encouraged to bring close-toed shoes, water, gloves, and clothes that allow them to stay comfortable in the shade at 10,000 feet. 

Those interested in supporting this and other TCC projects may make donations to the local climbing organization via Old Bill’s Fun Run. Please click here to donate now.