Summer may feel like a long way away, but led by Stewardship Director Chris Owen, the TCC’s Stewardship Team is already looking at projects at Rodeo Wall and the Happy Hour Wall to tackle during the warmer months.

For the past two summers, the TCC has hosted Adopt-A-Crag projects at Rodeo Wall, one of the area’s cherished local climbing crags. Two stewardship projects to date have performed erosion control and shored up the platforms at the base of the crag to help control erosion.
This June, the work will continue, with efforts to bench the trail, brush-cut sage and build additional steps. The exact date of the Adopt-A-Crag will be released in the coming months.
The Happy Hour Wall is a moderate sport climbing area nestled in a beautiful alpine setting on the northern end of Tensleep Bowl at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. The crag gets morning sun and falls into the shade around 2:30 PM, making for a cool after-work climbing destination.
“The wall’s character is far steeper than you’d expect,” says local guidebook author and Stewardship Team member Wesley Gooch, “with huge holds, big moves, and an often thuggish style. All in all, the Happy Hour Wall is just pure fun climbing.”
The crag is ideal for newer climbers, with well-bolted routes that allow people to push their abilities. The approach/descent is easy and highly scenic as well—which increases its popularity and the unintended side effect of erosion.
This summer, the TCC will work in conjunction with the JHMR to improve a spur to the climbing area from the ski area’s new North Ridge trail. This trail will descend the north ridge from the tram and connect to the Cirque Trail below, making a good descent trail for anyone topping out on routes.
The Happy Hour Wall project is tentatively scheduled for July.
Other stewardship efforts are ongoing.
Using new hardware made possible by a Town Pump fundraiser last summer, Gooch is also leading an effort to rebolt routes in need of attention at the Hoback Shield and Rodeo Wall.
Last year, Wyoming Department of Transportation worked on the road below Hoback Shield. The TCC was active in plans for a new parking lot, but the regrading highway work actually made more parking available. No additional work is planned for the area this summer.
The TCC is monitoring the situation at the Goat Cave. No stewardship work is planned for the crag at the moment.
Each year, the TCC hosts a spring cleaning and route setting day at the Teton Boulder Park to prepare it for the season. The stewardship project is planned again this year, with a date tentatively set for May.
As always, the TCC encourages community members to join the fun and help keep our local crags climbing well. For more information or to participate, reach out to us at